
http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/release ... rc4.tar.gz

現在不用自己編譯了,但要記得加上-vc coreserve,

  1. PPA源,安裝dshowserver 和 mplayer
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ripps818/coreavc
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install dshowserver mplayer
  2. 複製CoreAVC解碼器到dshowserver目錄
  3. 安裝smplayer,然後就可以在解碼器裡面選擇CoreAVCDecoder.ax進行解碼
Using coreavc with these builds is completely optional. In fact, the mplayer2 + static libav built here is so good, that using CoreAVC is probably unnecessary.


This PPA is to make setting up and installing coravc-for-linux easier.
For more information on CoreAVC-for-Linux, please consult the googlecode wiki:

--- How to Setup CoreAVC in Ubuntu ---

1. Install CoreAVC using Wine. This guide should work up to version 2.0.

2. Install the dshowserver and mplayer package supplied by this PPA.

3. Copy the codec to /usr/share/dshowserver so that dshowserver.exe can use it.

sudo cp "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/CoreAVC Pro/CoreAVCDecoder.ax" /usr/share/dshowserver/

4. Add "-vc coreserve," to mplayer to tell it to try and use coreavc if it can.

5. Watch your favorite HD videos fast and with high quality in Linux!


If you experience any problems, feel free to ask about it on the Mplayer CoreAVC Howto on UbuntuForums.org:



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